与教学专家、思想领袖和专家一起参加 12 月 2 日和 9 日举行的 2022 年虚拟开放式学习论坛。




在这些条款和条件中,"我们 "是指 Open Learning Global Pty Ltd 和我们在 openlearning.com 上提供的服务,即 "服务"。 您对本网站所有信息("内容")的贡献、访问和使用均受这些条款和条件的约束。这些条款可能会被我们与您所在的大学、公司或组织之间的协议所取代。

我们保留随时修订本通知的权利,您在任何修订后使用本网站即表示您同意接受修订后的条款和条件的约束。 因此,我们建议您每次访问我们的网站时都阅读这些条款和条件。


1.要使用本网站提供的服务,您必须成为会员。您必须提供会员/注册页面上列出的某些信息,以完成注册。 另请参阅我们主页上链接的《隐私政策》,了解我们收集、储存和使用您注册时提供的详细信息的相关信息。

2. 您同意确保您的注册信息(包括姓名和电子邮件地址)始终真实准确,并承诺在注册信息发生变化时随时更新。 如果我们发现您的姓名和/或电子邮件地址有误,我们有权立即取消您的注册,并自行决定今后是否接受您的注册。

3. 注册时,您将提供一个密码、个人资料名称以及可能需要的任何其他详细信息。








10.OpenLearning 上的某些课程要求您在注册课程前支付一定的费用,或支付一定的费用以评估和认证通过的课程。如果您对课程体验或认证不满意,请在参加课程后 7 天内联系我们的客户成功团队(support@openlearning.com)和课程提供方申请退款。 如果产品是通过 Apple App Store 购买的,请参考App Store 退款流程

11. 教育者定价订阅必须按月或按年计划购买。您的付款将在订阅期结束时自动续订,除非您在当前订阅期结束前取消付费订阅。取消将在当前订购期最后一天的次日生效,您将无法再以教育工作者的身份访问 OpenLearning 课程。在当前订购期结束前取消订购不会导致退还已支付给我们的订购费用,但我们可以自行决定是否退还。

12. 若要取消教育定价订购,请按照以下说明进行操作。

13. OpenLearning 可能会不时更改教育定价订购的价格,并会提前向您告知任何价格更改,以及如何接受这些更改(如适用)。教育定价套餐的价格变动将在价格变动日期之后的下一个套餐期开始时生效。在当地法律允许的情况下,您可以在价格变更生效后继续使用 OpenLearning,从而接受新价格。如果您不同意价格变更,您有权在价格变更生效前联系客户成功部并取消订阅,从而拒绝价格变更。


14.访问我们的服务不包括使用任何数据挖掘机器人或其他提取工具的权利。 未经我们的事先书面许可,访问我们的网站也不允许您对我们的网站进行元标记或镜像。 如果我们发现您对我们的网站进行元标记或镜像,我们保留向您发出通知的权利。


15.本网站可能不时包含指向其他网站的超链接。 此类链接仅为方便起见而提供,我们对任何链接网站的内容和维护或隐私遵守情况不承担任何责任。 我们网站上任何指向其他网站的超链接并不意味着我们认可、支持或赞助该网站的运营商或其提供的信息和/或产品。

16. 您可以在未经我们同意的情况下链接我们的网站。 任何此类链接将完全由您负责并承担费用。 通过链接,您不得更改我们网站的任何内容,包括任何知识产权声明,也不得对我们的任何网页、文件、图像、文本或其他材料进行加框或重新格式化。


17.对于您在本服务上或通过本服务提交、张贴、传输或展示的材料,包括由 OpenLearning 人工智能工具生成的内容,我们不主张任何知识产权。您的个人资料和上传的材料归您所有。本服务用户在课程中创建的任何内容的所有权归该用户所有。


19.本网站上使用的所有商标、品牌和徽标(一般标有 TM 或 ® 符号)均属于我们,或者我们获得了使用这些商标、品牌和徽标的许可。未经我们事先书面许可,您访问我们的网站并不意味着您有权以任何商业方式使用这些商标。

20. 如果您向我们提供评论,您承认您对此类材料的内容负责,包括其合法性、原创性和版权。



22. 在法律允许的范围内,本条款和条件不包含任何以其他方式隐含的条件或保证。

23. 我们会尽一切努力确保我们的网站不含任何病毒、蠕虫、特洛伊木马和/或恶意软件。我们也会尽一切努力确保我们的网站不含任何病毒、蠕虫、特洛伊木马和/或恶意软件,但对于您在使用我们的网站或任何链接网站时对您的计算机系统造成的任何损害,我们概不负责。








28.如果根据任何法律,这些条款和条件中的任何规定无效,则将对该规定进行必要的限制、缩减、解释或更改,以使其有效,但仅限于实现该有效性所需的范围。 如有必要,无效条款将从本条款和条件中删除,其余条款仍将完全有效。







SAAS 协议(仅适用于教育机构)


1.1. Open Learning Global Pty Ltd(以下简称 "OLG ""OpenLearning "或 "我们")是OLG在线学习平台所有知识产权的所有者或授权使用者,OLG在线学习平台为教育、培训和学习课程及项目的交付提供便利和支持。

1.2. 本协议(包括本服务条款、申请表及所有附表和附件)(以下简称 "协议")由 OLG 与填写了申请表(定义见下文)以获取服务(定义见下文)的实体或个人(以下简称 "课程提供者"或 ""或 "您的")签订。


注意,如果您表示接受本协议(在申请表上点击 "接受 "或在申请表上签名)或访问 使用协议中包含或引用的同意条款、通知。如果您不同意本协议,请不要使用服务。为明确起见,您和我方均明确同意本协议对我方具有法律约束力。


2.1. In addition to the terms defined above, set out below are further defined terms that are used in thisAgreement (including the Application Form):

“AI Credit” means the prepaid credit system where the Course Provider purchases credits in advance that are denominated in Australian Dollars and are consumed by your staff members when they use AI Tools within the OLG Online Learning Platform. Details on how credits are consumed (e.g., per query, per minute, per feature used) should be clearly outlined;

“AI Generated Data” means the content and materials generated by the AI Tools at the direction of your staff and Course Users;

“AI Tools” means OLG Online Learning Platform’s integrated artificial intelligence tools that are made available and updated from time to time;

“Application Form” means the form completed by you, whereby you have applied to access theServices on and subject to the terms of this Agreement;

"Commencement Date” means that date when this Agreement comes into force, which is the earlier of:(i) the date inserted in the Application Form; and(ii) your initial access to the Services;

"Confidential Information" means in the case of Course Provider, Course Provider Data and in the case of us includes:
(a) information relating to the OLG OnlineLearning Platform, including the OLG Intellectual Property
(b) information relating to the personnel, policies, business, systems, and data of OLG; and
(c) information relating to this Agreement including the terms on which the Services are to be provided to you under this Agreement;

"Course(s)" means the Courses, which are uploaded by the course Provider to the OLG OnlineLearning Platform including, where applicable, the Course Provider Portal;

"Course Provider Access Facilities" means telecommunications, networks, systems, software, hardware and any other facilities used or required by you or on your behalf for accessing and making use of the Services (including, where applicable, the Course Provider Portal), other than the facilities provided by us from time to time under this Agreement;

"Course Provider Data" means data of the Course Provider, including the Courses of the CourseProvider, their content, details and other materials to which we are given access for the purpose of providing the Services;

Course Provider Portal means, where available aspart of the Service Tier you have selected in the Application Form, the customisable page that allows you to list and administer all of the Courses and qualifications that you offer on the OLG OnlineLearning Platform;

“Course Quality Criteria Standards” means the criteria specified from time to time by OLG, details of which are accessible at: https://help.openlearning.com/t/x1j3na/3-the-course-quality-criteria

"Course Users" means any individual who is able or authorised by you to access, enrol, or otherwise access, participate in or undertake a Course;

"GST" means:
(a)  the same as in the GST Law;
(b)  any other goods and services tax, or any tax applying to this transaction in a similar way; and
(c) any additional tax, penalty tax, fine, interest or other charge under a law of such a tax;

"GST Law" means the same as "GST Law" in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth);

“Initial Term” means the period set out in the Application Form;

“OLG Intellectual Property”
means all the intellectual property rights subsisting in the OLG Online Learning Platform and our Trademarks;

“OLG Online Learning Platform” includes the software  and other intellectual property comprising, subsisting in or making up our hosted web and applications platform (including, where applicable, the Course Provider Portal)  as well as any associated  documents (in whatever form or medium) developed by, or licenced to, us in connection with the operations of our business;

“Period” means the period(s) specified in the Application Form;

“Renewal Term” means each additional period of this Agreement, as provided for in the Application Form, following the Initial Term;

"Schedule" means a schedule to this Agreement;

"Services" means the services and other facilities (based on the  Service Tier selected by you in the Application Form) to be provided by us under this Agreement, being access (on a non-exclusive and non-transferable basis) to the OLG Online Learning Platform and such other services as described in Schedule 1 hereto;

“Service Fee” means the fee, the amount of which is determined by reference to the Service Tier you have selected in the Application Form and as may be adjusted under clause 8 hereof;

“Service Tier” means the tier of Service selected by you in the Application Form, with each Service Tier being determined by reference to, amongst other things, the maximum number of Course Users who may at any time during a Period access a Course via the OLG Online Learning Platform;

“Term” means the Initial Term and any Renewal Term;

Trademarks means the marks displayed in Schedule 2.

2.2 In this Agreement, unless the contrary intention appears:
2.2.1. the clause headings are for reference only and are not be relevant to interpretation;
2.2.2. words in the singular number include the plural and vice versa;
2.2.3. words importing a gender include any other gender;
2.2.4. a reference to a person includes bodies corporate and unincorporated associations and partnerships;
2.2.5. where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings;
2.2.6. and monetary references are references to Australian currency.


3.1.本协议自生效日开始,直至初始期限结束,除非根据第 3.2 条自动续约或根据本协议允许提前终止的条款提前终止。

3.2.根据第 3.3 条,除非甲方或乙方向另一方发出书面通知,表示甲方或乙方不希望本协议继续有效,否则本协议将在初始期限之后自动按适用的续签期限(如申请表中所述)续签。终止本协议的通知必须在 (i) 初始期限结束前至少 30 天发出;或 (ii) 如果适用的续订期限为一个月,则必须在每次续订期限结束前不少于 24 小时发出;或 (iii) 如果适用的续订期限为一年,则必须在初始期限结束后的每个周年纪念日前至少 30 天发出。

3.3.如果本协议的任何条款在初始期限后发生变更(包括费用变更),我方将在 (i) 初始期限或 (ii) 每个续订期(如果续订期为一年)结束前至少 30 天向贵方发出书面变更通知。如果续订期限为一个月,则在我们通知变更之日起 30 天期满之前,协议变更不会生效。






5.1. You agree to ensure that you will allow:
5.1.1. access to the OLG Online Learning Platform, including where applicable, the Course Provider Portal and use of the Services only by those of your staff who create, run and administer the Course and that the maximum number of administrator accounts will be the number corresponding to the Service Tier you have selected in the Application Form ; and
5.1.2. access to the Course using the OLG Online Learning Platform, including where applicable, the Course Provider Portal, only by Course Users, the maximum number of whom will correspond to Service Tier you have selected in the Application Form,
and you must ensure that all such persons, who are referred to in this clause as “Authorised Users” comply with the obligations set out in this Agreement.  Any breach of the terms of this Agreement by an Authorised User will be treated as if it is a breach of this Agreement by you.

5.2 During the Term, you confirm that you will:
5.2.1. not knowingly or negligently do any act or thing which may jeopardise our rights, title and interests in the OLG Intellectual Property;
5.2.2. not introduce or upload anything to the OLG Online Learning Platform, including where applicable, the Course Provider Portal Course Provider Portal that includes viruses or other malicious code;
5.2.3. not at any time put in issue the validity of the intellectual property and the ownership or authorised use of the OLG Intellectual Property or do any act calculated to prejudice such validity;
5.2.4. co-operate with us in all matters relating to the Services
5.2.5. comply with any reasonable instructions from us in relation to the use of the Services (including ceasing to use the foregoing);
5.2.6. if relevant or applicable, only use the Trademarks in compliance with your obligations under this Agreement including the provisions set out in Appendix A;
5.2.7. other than as expressly permitted under this Agreement, not (and must not permit any third party to): (i) rent, lease, provide access to or sublicense the Services to a third party; (ii) use the Services to provide, or incorporate the Services into, any product or service provided to a third party or commercially exploit the Services or (including by making it available to any third party); (iii) use the Services to develop a similar or competing product or service; (iv) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise seek to obtain the source code to the Services; (v) copy, modify or create any derivative work of the Services or any of our documentation; (vi) publicly disseminate performance information regarding the Services;  
5.2.8. not sub-licence, assign or novate the benefit or burden of this Agreement in whole or part. A change in control of or affecting you will be deemed to be an assignment, with "control" referring to the power to materially influence your decision making or policies;
5.2.9. ensure that any use of the Services complies with all applicable laws and requirements of any relevant government agency;
5.2.10. not hold yourself out as our agent;
5.2.11. ensure that any authorisations required for the validity, enforceability, and performance of your obligations under this Agreement are obtained and promptly renewed and maintained in full force and effect;
5.2.12. comply with any access restrictions, security procedures and operational requirements that we may notify to you;
5.2.13. are responsible for providing your own Course Provider Access Facilities;
5.2.14. ensure that all Course Provider Access Facilities meet the security standards required by us from time to time and are and will remain free from any circumstances (including viruses) which may adversely affect us, OLG Online Learning Platform, including where applicable, the Course Provider Portal or the Services and are otherwise reasonably appropriate for use in conjunction with the Services.

5.3. You also agree not to make, or permit, any use of the OLG Online Learning Platform, including where applicable, the Course Provider Portal) and the Services (including by uploading any Course Provider Data onto the OLG Online Learning Platform, including where applicable, the Course Provider Portal  in a way which is unacceptable. Use is unacceptable if:
5.3.1. it involves anything which is defamatory, obscene, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory, or otherwise (in our reasonable view) is objectionable;
5.3.2. it involves unsolicited electronic messages;
5.3.3 it would involve the contravention of any person’s rights (including any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual property or other rights of any other person);
5.3.4 it may promote any illegal activity, or advocate, promote or assist any unlawful act or contravene any relevant laws, including laws of any countries in which a Course is accessed by a Course User;  
5.3.5. it gives the impression that a Course, or a statement made by or on your behalf, emanates from, or is endorsed by, us or any other person or entity, if this is not the case; or
5.3.6. it may otherwise be reasonably regarded by us to be prejudicial to our reputation, our business or bring us or any of our officers into disrepute.

5.4. Without limiting any other rights we may have, you agree that we may immediately suspend all or any part of the Services, and remove or disable access to anything (including all or part of the Course(s)) that contravenes the restrictions in clause 5.3 or is otherwise in breach of this Agreement.

5.5. You confirm that you solely responsible for the accuracy, content, quality, reliability and legality of all Course Provider Data including all Courses and their content and you further agree that unless agreed otherwise in writing with us, this sole responsibility extends to you ensuring that:
5.5.1. the Course Provider Data, the Course(s) and any materials/content uploaded onto the Course Provider Portal or the use of the Services by your Authorised Users comply with this Agreement and all applicable laws, including the laws of all countries in which the Course(s) are offered or are accessed by Course Users;
5.5.2. the creation, running and administration of the Course(s) and maintaining, or requiring all Authorised Users to maintain the security of any passwords and usernames required to access the Course Provider Portal or participate in the Course(s);
5.5.3. you have provided all information and obtained all consents required for us to provide the Services or for you to offer and run the Courses using the Course Provider Portal  including those in relation to the collection, use, disclosure, overseas transfer and storage of personal information of any individual whose personal information may be included in Course Provider Data and any consents from relevant government bodies required for offering and running the Courses in all countries in which any Course is accessed by a Course User; and
5.5.4. each Course meets the Course Quality Criteria Standards where applicable.

6. 数据和知识产权--OLG 和课程提供者

6.1.除本协议另有规定外,甲方保留对服务的所有权利、所有权和利益(包括所有知识产权),包括 OLG 在线学习平台和所有相关的基础技术和文档,以及对上述任何内容的任何衍生作品、修改或改进,以及通过服务复制的所有徽标和商标,本协议不授予乙方对上述任何内容或其任何组成部分的任何权利或利益。




截至本协议签订之日,我们的隐私政策为https://www.openlearning.com/PrivacyPolicy/OpenLearning 的隐私条款可能会随时更改,但任何此类更改都不会实质性地降低课程提供者的隐私保护水平。




8.3.如果在第一周期("进一步调整日")之后的任何时间,课程用户数超过了当时适用于贵方的服务等级所允许的课程用户数上限,则第 8.2 条中概述的流程将适用,并进行必要的更改。您将被视为选择了下一个连续的服务层级,作为新的服务层级,该服务层级包含了进一步调整日期的课程用户数量,服务费将从进一步调整日期起进行调整,按比例增加从进一步调整日期到当时有效期结束期间的服务费。

8.4.1. 向我方支付与我方提供的与本协议相关的任何产品的消费税相等的金额;并且
8.4.2. 在服务费或与之相关的其他金额到期之日支付该款项。

8.5.除服务费外,使用 AI 工具可能会产生 AI 信用点数形式的额外费用,这些信用点数可以提前购买,并将在贵方员工使用 AI 工具时从课程提供者的 AI 信用点数余额中扣除。



9.2.贵方和我方均不违反第 9.1 条的规定,即根据法律、法院命令、我方受监管的任何监管机构的要求,为执行本协议条款而披露机密信息,或向任何专业顾问、审计师或保险公司披露机密信息,或因贵方或我方的不当行为或疏忽而使信息为公众所知。






10.4.1. 对于任何收入或利润损失、商誉损失、客户损失、资本损失、间接、后果性、附带损害或特殊损失、损害或费用,我方不承担任何责任;
10.4.3. 在任何情况下,我们对您的总责任仅限于您在导致责任的索赔发生之日前 12 个月内支付给我们的服务费总额。



11.1.您同意赔偿 OLG 和我们的每一位管理人员、员工、承包商和代理商(我们以信托方式为其利益持有赔偿金)("受赔偿方")因以下原因造成的任何损失(包括法律费用、成本、支出、损害和责任,无论是实际发生的还是预期发生的)或可能发生的任何损失: 您违反本协议规定的义务;
11.1.2 您的任何故意、非法或疏忽行为或不行为;
11.1.3 第三方对课程提供者数据或课程侵犯第三方权利(包括知识产权)的任何索赔。


12.1.1.贵方违反本协议的任何条款,且在收到我方的违约通知后十四 (14) 天内仍未纠正该违约行为(如果该违约行为可以纠正的话);
12.1.2. 贵方违反本协议的任何条款,且该违约行为无法纠正;
12.1.3. 在不限制上述规定的前提下,贵方未能支付任何服务费用;
12.1.5. 贵方停止或威胁停止以正常方式开展贵方业务。

12.2.如果出现第 12.1 条中提到的任何情况,或者协议根据第 12 条或第 13 条被终止,贵方:
12.2.1. 必须立即停止使用服务,包括 OLG 在线学习平台(包括课程提供商门户网站);
12.2.2. 必须归还贵方拥有、保管或控制的我方所有财产。我方也同意将我方占有、保管或控制的贵方所有财产归还给贵方;
12.2.3. 同意我方将保留贵方根据本协议支付的任何款项,贵方将根据本协议条款支付我方任何未付款项;
12.2.4. 同意我方解除本协议项下的任何进一步义务。




13.2.如果由于超出我们合理控制范围的任何事件或情况造成或预计造成延迟或失败,我们将暂停履行义务。 如果延迟或故障超过六十 (60) 天,我方可在向贵方发出书面通知后立即终止协议。





15.1.除非贵方和我方签署书面通知,否则不得放弃本协议项下的任何权利。 甲方的放弃不会损害甲方对乙方以后违反本协议的权利。 如果甲方未能执行本协议的任何条款,或者如果甲方给予乙方任何宽容、延迟或纵容,均不得解释为甲方放弃本协议项下的权利。

15.2.根据上述第 3.3 条,甲方可对本协议进行更改,但需在更改生效前至少提前 30 天通知乙方。如果变更是实质性的,且贵方不能接受,贵方可在本条款所述的 30 天期限结束前向我方发出书面通知终止本协议,我方将按比例向贵方退还该期限未到期部分的服务费。如果甲方在 30 天期限到期前未收到乙方的终止通知,乙方将从该日起受变更后的本协议约束。




16.2.1. 贵方或我方必须将争议书面通知另一方。
16.2.2. 在收到通知后 7 天内,贵方和我方必须会面协商并尝试解决争议。
16.2.3.如果贵方和我方在首次会面协商并试图解决争议后 5 天内都无法通过协商解决争议,则贵方和我方同意真诚地努力通过 ADC 管理的调解解决争议。 调解必须按照提交 ADC 时适用的 ADC 商业调解准则("准则")进行。指引》的条款被视为纳入本协议,除非与本第16条中的任何内容相冲突。





18.2.1. 如果是专人递送,接收方的官员或其他正式授权的雇员、代理人或代表书面确认收到通知后,即视为发出通知;
18.2.2. 如果是邮寄,则在寄出三天后视为发出通知;
18.2.3. 如果是传真,则在传真发出三天后视为发出通知。
18.2.4. 电子邮件:收到电子邮件之时,即电子邮件进入接收方信息系统之时 (如在工作日收到,或在收到后第一个工作日开始之时)。


本协定可由各方以对等文本签署,每份对等文本在签署时均被视为正本,所有对等文本合在一起构成同 一协定,但在交换对等文本之前,本协定不具任何效力。

附表 1--法律事务厅

‍ 跟踪平台状态。

优先级别 说明 响应时间 分辨率时间 平台
优先事项 1



- 例如,OLG 学习平台瘫痪、小部件无法加载、无法发表评论等。

15 分钟 4 小时 移动和桌面
优先事项 2

- 用户/客户工作组无法使用非关键任务应用程序。客户可以在对工作效率影响最小的情况下工作。

- 例如,某些功能在发布后会被破坏,但可以绕过它们。

24 小时 4 个工作日 移动和桌面
优先事项 3

- 对业务影响很小的单个请求或事件。流程不受影响。

- 例如,某些功能在发布后会被破坏,但可以绕过它们,而且它们并不常用。

24 小时 7 个工作日 移动和桌面

附表 2-OLG 商标

开放学习徽标 1
开放式学习徽标 2
开放式学习图标徽标 1
开放式学习图标徽标 2

A.OLG 商标的使用和控制

1. 遵守 OLG 通知课程提供者的有关商标使用的所有合理指示;
2. 不得以任何可能欺骗或造成混淆的方式使用商标,或损害商标对 OLG 或其相关法人团体的显著性或相关商誉或声誉;
4. 未经OLG事先书面同意,不将商标与任何其他标记、名称、文字、标识、符号或装置直接组合使用;
6.不反对、质疑、攻击或试图取消或删除任何商标,或以任何方式协助相关法人团体或第三方反对、质疑、攻击或试图取消或删除任何商标,除非得到 OLG 的明确书面批准;
7. 不出售、转让、转移、传送或以其他方式处置(或意图处置)任何商标,除非得到 OLG 的明确书面批准。

2.课程提供者必须在 OLG 提出要求时,向 OLG 提供包括对任何商标的表述或引用的任何文件和材料的副本(无论其载体如何),以核实课程提供者遵守本协议的情况。

‍在本附件中,"相关法人团体 "具有《2001 年公司法》(澳大利亚联邦)中定义的含义。


Open Learning Global Pty Ltd


The Cooperage, Level 2, Suite 9,
56 Bowman Street, Pyrmont NSW 2009
+612 8294 9686


D-20-01, Menara SuezCap 1, KL Gateway,
No 2, Jalan Kerinchi, Gerbang Kerinchi Lestari,
59200 Kuala Lumpur
+603 8408 1132

开始 30 天免费试用
通过 OpenLearning 的新一代在线学习平台创建、营销和销售在线课程